
Felix Qin, HC ’22

This song is about recognizing and embracing individuality. There are two moving parts in this song – “You” and “I,” like two floating islands. “You” always doubt yourself and get lost in a world where “You” never seem to be good enough; “You” conform and act to please others; sometimes “You” don’t even know who “You” are anymore. If that all sounds familiar, slow it down and take a moment to find “I.” Please remember, “You” are “I” and “I” am “You,” and “I” have always been there for “You.”  

(P.S. The English translation is very much a word-for-word translation and so some of the poeticness of the original is lost in the process of translation. If you would like to discuss the nuance of the lyrics, feel free to reach out to me at hqin@haverford.edu. Thank you!) 
